Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources

Participation on the conference „Nutrition and Health 2018", Czech Republic


The employees of the Department of Human Nutrition of FAFR actively participated in the 22nd national conference with the international participation „Nutrition and Health 2018" in the town Teplice in Czech Republic. The conference was organized on 18-20. September 2018 by Czech Medical Association – Society of Hygiene and Community Medicine, Society for Nutrition Prague, 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Prague, Institute of Health in Prague and Ústí nad Labem, Regional Hygiene Station in Ústí nad Labem, company Alwac, a.s. The program of the conference was focused on the following topics: Nutrition-related non-infectious diseases, Health food safety in school catering, Drinking water contamination mainly from plastics, Alimentary diseases with regard to new technologies in the food industry.

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