Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources

Conference of PhD students ZOOTECHNIKA 2018 in České Budějovice


The conference of young scientists “ZOOTECHNIKA 2018” was traditionally held at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice on June 14, 2018. The multidisciplinary focus of the work enabled the conference participants to obtain information on the individual species, respectively category of livestock as well as giving insight into the different breeding areas and their use.

Altogether 14 works were presented, which were subsequently published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of this conference. The presented works had a wide range from the issue of cattle reproduction through microclimate of stabling and nutrition of breeding bulls to the production and quality of goats milk, quality of rams ejaculate and profitability in piglets breeding. A significant part of the work was devoted to the breeding of horses this year. Either by analyzing of sport performance and sport competitions, controlling heritage or also by focusing on horse health. The conference was attended by PhD students from the home university, from the MENDEL University in Brno and the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra was represented by Ing. Monika Ivančíková, who presented her work ,,The comparison of sport performance and relative breeding value of Slovak Warmblood”.

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra was represented in addition to the presented paper also by the evaluation committee. One of the 4-member committee was doc. RNDr. Milan Margetín, PhD. The Commission has selected the best contributions and at the same time highlighted the high level of published works and their subsequent presentation. As the best work, the commission evaluated the contribution of MVDr. J. Vobra with topic ,,Lameness as limitation factor of reproduction in dairy cow“. The works from the field of horse breeding was evaluated separately.  The Czech Society of Hippology awarded Mgr. Ing. A. Baštýřová Brutovská for a contribution about the intensity of occurrence horse gastrointestinal helminths.

In addition to the scientific and personal growth of the participants, thanks to the conference organizers who ensured a pleasant evening sitting, the participating PhD students were allowed to discuss in a relaxed atmosphere not only about the professional topics and the current situation in individual breeding and practice, but also the possibility to collect valuable contacts.

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